The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52446   Message #805365
Posted By: Jimmy C
17-Oct-02 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Subject: RE: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Ireland, you posted that
"It is now one year since the Good Friday Agreement was concluded. Last May it was emphatically endorsed by the people, North and South, and as such it now represents their democratic will."
Part of the problem is that the agreement was signed in good faith, but there are parts of it yet to be implemented, especially in Police Reform, Demilitarization etc. Implement the full agreement first and then Sinn Fein will have nothing to complain about. The major stumbling block to I.R.A. disbanding is the existence of loyalists groups such as the U.D.A./ U.F.F/ U.V.F etc. Unionist politicians such as Trimble, Paisley and their ilk are all very vocal to condemn violence but not one of them has singled out and actually named loyalist groups, it's all been motherhood statements, such as " violence has no part in our society and I call on Sinn Fein/I.R.A. to disarm and disband etc". Trimble knows full well that if he were to say openly " I call on the I.R.A. the U.D.A, the U.V.F. etc to disband, he would not be reelected. Remember he came up through the unionist ranks as a member of the Vanguard movement, hard line unionists,, the leopard does not change his spots. Paisley we know about, he is so anti-cathoic that he is comical.
For the good of the six counties let the GFA be FULLY IMPLEMENTED and then let unionists, nationalists, british government etc demand the disbanding and disarming of ALL groups. It's not going to work by singleing out just one. Let all parts of the GFA be implemented and then they will be in a position to challenge those who still hold back. Try working together with Sinn Fein and then progress can be made. It is very clear that many unionists were against power sharing from the start and heve done nothing but try to wreck the agreement since the first day it was signed.