The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11076   Message #80559
Posted By: Clarence (mawinlaw)
21-May-99 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Subject: RE: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Hi son in law: Man am I glad that you are home. I signed on before you last night so didn't see your message until today. Take REALLY GREAT care of you and I will see you on June fourth. The good news is that you are home and the bad news is that your maw-in-law is coming for a visit. Do you suppose that Cletus will find the place by then? Sounds like it could be a possibility since he has already hit every other place and surely must be about to stumble across your place before too much longer. Kiss the kids, hug the wife, and kick the cats (the fuzzy ones not the mud ones) and I will see you soon. Love......Clarence