The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52446   Message #806237
Posted By: GUEST
18-Oct-02 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Subject: RE: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
The poster calling itself "Ireland" has been sussed out by some of us, it is true Ard Mhacha. Anyone who comes into a forum like this attempting to conflate Gerry Adams with Bin Laden, and the IRA with Al Qaida ought to be easy enough to suss out. His overuse of the word "terrorist" should be a dead give away too, but unfortunately, the Americans have been absolutely brainwashed to react to this word in the most reactionary way of late, that if someone comes in here and says "IRA/Sinn Fein" and "terrorist" in the same sentence, at least some of us know exactly where the conversation is headed.

Unfortunately, when such posters join Mudcat as members, and use a name intended to invoke solidarity with the cause of a united Ireland (when their actual intention is to destroy confidence in Sinn Fein and undermine their credibility for participating in the government), when such scum post politely, and disguise their hate agendas by attempting to speak in august tones, many people will fall for it. Every time. See above for the current examples of those who are actually buying what this "Ireland" poster has been saying.

Like I said before, have a look see at this trolls very brief posting history here in Mudcat. It is, with very few exceptions, a history of posting anti-republican garbage in political threads.

These are the sorts of posters Mudcat wishes to welcome into the fold?

No thanks. I'll stick with the guest appellation. I don't want to be part of any club that would have the likes of "Ireland" as a member.