The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52511   Message #806505
Posted By: Haruo
19-Oct-02 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: Help:Gaelic pronunciation
Subject: RE: Help:Gaelic pronunciation
I've been trying to figure out the Gaelic Christmas hymn "Seall Thall Tighinn Bhon Ear" (le Iain MacLeĆ²id) - how the words syllabicate, and how the syllables are apportioned amongst the notes and slurs of the tune, "An t-Eilean Dorcha" (le Iain MacLachliann). Not so much because I ever expect to be a decent Gaelicist (Goideloglot?) as because I would like to translate it into both Esperanto and Japanese. Is there a reliable online source for the most basic matters of Gaelic pronunciation and syllabication (I don't care if it's "official" or "school" or local dialect, as long as it helps me map the words to the tune)? This will probably also help with the Cape Breton Christmas song once I find the tune.
