The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52618   Message #806768
Posted By: Mudlark
19-Oct-02 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Jingles you remember.
Subject: RE: Jingles you remember.
Sigh...what a way to bring back memories!

Here's one that used to invade my mind like some alien virus...

Hi ho, hey, hey
Chew your little troubles away
Hi ho, he, hey
Chew Wrigleys Spearmint gum

Aghhh, now it's in there again.

Another "song"...

Cream of Wheat is so good to eat
That we have it every day
It's good for growing children
And good for grown-ups too

I think that ad was on a 50's children's program that came on Sat. mornings..."Let's Pretend." I was glued to the radio, especially as that was followed by "The Red Lantern"...

Wheaties...Breakfast of Champions!!!

You better get Wildroot Creme Oil, Chaaarrrlie...

Memorable TV ads...

Little cartoon people saying things like "It's a FORD," and "Ask for it by name...MONEY!" and "It's SNOWdrift..."(veg. lard, remember that?)

A car dealer in Missouri: "We can talk turkey for just a little scratch" (with a cute little chick pecking up scratch feed...)

Dancing wienies singing: "I wish I was an Oscar Myer weiner, for that is what I'd truly like to beeeeee. For if I was an Oscar Myer weiner, everyone would be in love with meeeee."

I remember the jingles, I remember the brand names, but they never influenced me to buy...I sure did want a Capt. Midnight secret decoder ring tho...