The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39309   Message #807718
Posted By: Midchuck
21-Oct-02 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Subject: RE: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Last September, I said, on this thread:

It occurred to me that a 12-fret slothead 000 made by Collings should theoretically come as close as possible to the ideal guitar. Then I was in Brattleboro and got to play a 000-2H at Maple Leaf Music and found out my theory was right. Damn. Now I'm in love again and the money's gone.

More gigs!

In March of this year I found a 000-2H on eBay that went for 'way under the usual price, just because it had one good case-latch ding and some finish crazing. Nothing structural. So I was able to buy it.

I have had no significant GAS since I got it. I know there are even better instruments out there, mostly by tiny shops or individual luthiers, but a better guitar than this would be wasted on me, and would be so valuable I couldn't take it anywhere.

Most of my other instruments are now being neglected. Some have been sold or are for sale.


PS: There was a thread on the Martin forum, about neglecting instruments, and whether it upsets them not to get played. Someone said: "Don't anthromorphize your instruments. They hate that."