The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #808194
Posted By: Bobert
21-Oct-02 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Your right, Don, we got a lot of smoke and mirrors stuff going on right now while Junior tries to pay off those folks who bought his selection.

Ya' ever wonder why just about everything that he's trying to do favors those with the money? Sure, today just two weeks before the election, he gets up and says that drug companies shouldn't be allowed to use their smoke and mirrors to screw the working class but when you strip off the glitter from what he proposes, you have business as usual: 30 month patent protection for the wealthy phamacutical companies.

Then you look at privitization of Social Security? Hmmmmmm? "We're gonna fix this problem by putting a few leeches on it and allow them to such the blood. That ought to make it better..." Hmmmmmmmm?

Yeah, Don , you're right. This is a smoke screen to keep tghe real issues from surfacing. And it probably will work for the the 2002 election. And I *hope* it does. There are no gains without pains and it's time to bring on the pain. The repubs *unchecked* will destroy themselves in greed. There will come a time when the working class see them for what they are. Greedy! Not that the Dems are too much better mind you but at least they make the effort to make you think that you arn't gonna get another screwing from the ruling class...

So, as far as I'm concerned, vote Repub. The sooner that they can have their greedy way and not have Clinton to blame for their screw ups, the sooner that they will go by the wayside as a party that used to be part of a "two party system". Ha!

Now, what do ya' think of them apples, Dougie?
