The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52270   Message #808243
Posted By: alison
21-Oct-02 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: Alison's Bodhran Practice CD
Subject: RE: Alison's Bodhran Practice CD
OK Jimmy, I'll send you a workshop flyer,

there are many different ways to hold the tipper and play, this is how I teach it.....

assuming you are right handed (if not reverse the next bit)


1.        Sit up straight.
2.        Relax arms and shoulders and let wrist go floppy.
3.        Hold bodhran vertically, (left hand under one of the crosspieces(if you have any) and resting on skin at top of drum.)
4.        Put drum under armpit, resting on left thigh and use forearm to hold against ribcage.
5.        Turn left hand so only side of thumb is touching the top of the skin.


1.        Hold as if you were holding a pencil, but about 1/2 way along, with the point facing you. It is sometimes helpful to put an elastic band around the tipper. (so it doesn't slip out of your hand)
2.        Imagine the skin is a clock face.
3.        Starting with stick horizontal. Use point of stick to hit the skin going down between 7 & 8 o'clock. Stick should finish at 6 o'clock. (movemnt is like shaking an old mercury thermometer)
4.        Starting with stick vertical. Reverse the movement bringing the stick upwards to end at 9 o'clock.
5.        Keep stick parallel to the skin.

once you get the hang of it, you can move the tipper about all over the skin.

