The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52379   Message #808576
Posted By: sian, west wales
22-Oct-02 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa 2002 Hints
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa 2002 Hints
I've tried posting this twice ... and it isn't working! What's up? Oh, well - try again...

OK - here goes....

1. what is your age range? I'm about to hit the big Five Oh!

2. gender? full blooded female

3. Do you have a favorite color? ummm ... sort of a sea-green blue. I'm told that I'm a 'Winter' which means blues, black, most reds, real green but NOT pastels, oranges, browns, mossy greens etc.

4. favorite authors/ type of book? I love the more 'idiots guide' type of ethnomusicology books. I've recently read Sandy Ives' "Drive Dull Care Away" and Bill Malone's "Singing Cowboys and Musical Mountaineers" ... so that kind of stuff. Also cook books - I think I have every cookie and bread recipe known to mankind, but happy to be proved wrong!

5. what books have you really been wanting? Nothing specific, but stuff like in Q4 is always appreciated.

6. what type of music do you like? traditional folk, archival recordings - would certainly give house room to anything by a Mudcatter.

7. what cds have you really been wanting? I tend to buy them as I desire them! Wouldn't mind hearing some of our Mudcatters' work.

8. What movies (vhs is in the price range) have you been wanting? Can't think of any - my machine can play both PAL and NTSC though.

9. what is your t-shirt size? Mega ... but I don't wear T-shirts except in bed.

10. do you collect anything? if so, what? cook books, utensils, hymn books, folk song books, dust, antique textiles/clothes

11. what are some of your other hobbies? potter at various crafts including embroidery and crochet; garden a bit; play a number of instruments incredibly badly (in the privacy of my own home only!)

12. do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? silver, but don't wear rings or bracelets ... or anything pierced at waist level or farther south

13. please include anything else you feel is important that would help your secret santa know what you would like

I'd certainly appreciate something that reflected the Santa as much as the Santee - something local to Santa perhaps? Or even handmade?

Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful.
Some smelly things (perfumes, powders, etc) don't agree with me so best avoided. I also tend to get a LOT of calendars at Christmas for some reason.

Now I shall just hold my breath for ... how many days till Christmas??
