The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52735   Message #808664
Posted By: wilco
22-Oct-02 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: Customers rebuild Tennessee restaurant
Subject: RE: Customers rebuild Tennessee restaurant
It is the same Annette as 25 years ago.
George Seto suggested a song. My take is to weave two ideas together. The first is the restaurant being rebuilt by its former patrons, which is lovely. The second would be a more personal line about a 60+ year-old, menatlly disabled man who eats there in excahnge for mopping floors and putting out the garbage. He is very poor, and struggles to get by. Lots of people in the community and the restaurant help him. Everyone calls him Elvis, because he wears these spangled, rhinestone jumpsuits like Elvis Presley. At times, he really believes that he is Elvis. He doesn't drive, and he walks everywhere in those outfits. Kids tease him, and they laugh at him. But, at that restaurant, he has a little bit of dignity, mopping the floor in his Elvis outfit. Help me out here with a song!!!