The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52688   Message #808968
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
22-Oct-02 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: How was the 2002 Get-Away?
Subject: RE: How was the 2002 Get-Away?
While I had not expected to work so hard in three class/sessions I was involved in, it was worth it.

Several ideas for next year popped into my head as I drove home.

1. Dennis Cook and I had an interesting discussion over the cheapest, most effective, small sound rig, either one of us could dream up, and I plan to take the idea further to actually build such a rig for introduction next year, with a target price of under $200, including mics and speaker stands, to fit into a gym bag, have at least two inputs, two speakers, and 20-50 watts. I think I can do it.

2. The Contra dance was fun for the musicians, and I hope for the dancers, but next year we should start sooner, come up with a good list of prearranged tunes, email or mail the music in advance, and have a get-to-gether some time before the actual dance. Willie-O did a good job of leading the group, and is a leading candidate for next years First Fiddle (or mando, as you will).

3. If I do a sound mixing course next year, it would be best to actually set up a sound studio in one of the several un-used cabins, and then let people who wanted to try out the equipment combinations, do so by appointment or at least not in conflict with other sessions in the same area, as we had in the Gym.

4. The double electric blanket was the absolute way to go, and a lot easier to cart in than the electric heaters. But the guy in cabin attached to mine (F) was the loudest snorer I have ever heard; (think dinosaur eating it's young alive). But with the ear plugs and head wrap, I had the Vibro-Bed experience, and extremely pleasant dreams of shooting large wild animals.