The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52379   Message #809199
Posted By: SharonA
23-Oct-02 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa 2002 Hints
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa 2002 Hints
1. What is your age range? 46... and a third. But who's counting?

2. Gender? Female.

3. Do you have a favorite color? The color range that extends from turquoise through blue, indigo and purple to maroon – in dark and/or vibrant shades – plus black. But, really, I like just about every color! I don't think I look good in oranges, yellows, creams and beiges, though.

4. Favorite authors/type of book? Lots!!! For what I'd like for my "library", see #5 below.

5. What books have you really been wanting? Art books (pictures of paintings plus biography/commentary): John Singer Sargent; Gustav Klimt; Winslow Homer.
Light reading: Brian Jacques, "The Taggerung", "Triss", "Seven Strange and Ghostly Tales"; "The Great Redwall Feast"; "A Redwall Winter's Tale". Also, just about anything by Orson Scott Card (except "Songmaster" and "Sarah", which I already have).
The autobiography of William Somerset Maugham. (I've perused it in the bookstore but haven't bought it yet!).
Instructional music books: Nelson Riddle arrangements transposed for guitar (if such a book exists); maybe a "how to play banjo in Bela Fleck's style" book since I just bought a Gold Tone banjo and am learning to play it.

6. What type of music do you like? Many types, but I have CDs/LPs/tapes of most of the stuff I like. What I don't like includes (but is by no means limited to) rap, ska, reggae, heavy metal, not-so-heavy metal, and excessively repetitive 12-bar blues. For what I'd like for my "library", see #7 below.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Anything by Bela Fleck! Anything by Stan Freberg! The newest Angry Worms CD! ...and, of course, your CD if you'd like to send it!! Also, I'm searching for a few old, hard-to-find Allan Sherman LPs, so if my Secret Santa sees one at a flea market or something, I would be eternally in his (or her) debt:
"Allan in Wonderland" (Released 1964)
"For Swingin' Livers Only!" (Released 1964)
"Togetherness" (Released 1967)
"More Folk Songs by Allan Sherman and His Friends" (Released 1963)
"Music to Dispense With" (Recorded April 1966)

8. What VHS movies have you been wanting? Brian Jacques's "Redwall", "Mattimeo" and/or "Martin the Warrior" if available on VHS (for US VCR's).

9. What is your T-shirt size? XL to XXL (T-shirt, sweatshirt, sweater). I like designs with cats, and also Christmas and winter themes. I don't care to wear tees with names of places on them, particularly if they are places I haven't visited.

10. Do you collect anything? Now THERE'S a loaded question. I've collected so much *stuff* that there's hardly any room left in my apartment for me and my cat. However, I could probably squeeze in one more of the following:
CATS of all kinds, in all media (except alive, since I have my hands full with the one I've got) – the cuter, the better! Illustrations, figurines, stuffed animals, etc., etc. If a present has anything to do with cute cats, I am guaranteed to love it!
Holiday ornaments and craft items, particularly if they have a special connection to your hometown, state, country and/or culture.
Wind-up music boxes (modern or older).

11. What are some of your other hobbies? I do have some other hobbies but I have all the equipment I need to enjoy those. Hmmm... someone mentioned an instrument called a musical frog in the "Playing the Noseflute" thread last year, and I still don't have a musical frog (yet)!

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Both are fine. I don't wear much jewelry when I wear any at all, and I wear necklaces more than any other piece of jewelry. I prefer smaller, more delicate jewelry to heavier pieces. I do not have pierced ears, or any other pierced body part. Favorite stone: opal. Novelty jewelry such as a cat necklace would be nice.

13. Anything else you feel is important?/allergies/"no-no" items...
Because I have digestive problems and consequent dietary restrictions, PLEASE DO NOT consider sending me any gifts of food, coffee, tea or anything else edible.
Because I also have a respiratory condition, PLEASE DO NOT consider any gifts such as candles, aromatherapy, incense, perfumes or colognes for me.
I was really impressed with last year's emphasis on sending things that related in some way to the Secret Santa's hometown, area, state, and/or country. So, please, educate me – include something you think is really cool about where you live – postcards or photos or brochures or whatever!

Guess that's about it. Happy hunting... and happy holidays!