The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11106   Message #81013
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
23-May-99 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: Danger: Irony & Humour - Ignore this thread! (Joke
Subject: RE: Danger: Irony & Humour - Ignore this thread!
Three bulls were standing munching some grass. One says" Did ya hear the news? The farmer just bought a new bull, supposed to arrive today."The biggest bull snorts "Well I've got 30 cows in the north 40, and if he thinks he's takin any of em, he's DEAD wrong."The middle sized bull spits out some grass "Well I had to fight YOU for the 10 cows I've got in the south 20, and I ain't given em up." The Littlest bull, horns just barely peekin through says " I finally got a fine pair of cows over by the barn and I MEAN to keep em!"

About this time a tractor-trailer pulls up, the farmer drops the gate, and a 2200 pound bull comes thundering down the ramp,ring in his nose and three feet of horns."You know", says the big bull, "it'd be selfish of me to horde all those cows. I guess I could let the new guy have a couple." The middle bull says "yeah, he seems like a nice guy. I'd split my herd with him seein as how they're so much trouble anyway." They turn to look at the little bull, who is snorting, pawing the ground and glaring at this massive new bull."WHAT in HELL are you DOING?" they shout. Little bull says "I just want him to know I'm a BULL!"