The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52843   Message #810621
Posted By: GUEST,Q
24-Oct-02 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Buck's Elegy (corrupt text?)
This thread is getting stretched out for so few posts, but perhaps it is best to put this one here with the re-posting of "Buck's Elegy" (first in thread 3918)


As I was walking down by the ---- Hospital,
As I was walking one morning of late,
Who did I spy but my own dear comrade,
Wrapped in flannel so hard is his fate.

Had she but told me when she disorder'd me
Had she but told me of it in time,
I might have got salts and pills of white mercury
But now I'm cut down in the height of my prime.

I boldly stepped up to him and kindly did ask him,
Why was he wrapped in flannel so white?
My body is injured and sadly disorder'd,
All by a young woman my own heart's delight.

My father oft told me, and ofttimes chided me,
And said my wicked way would never do,
But I never minded him, nor ever heeded him,
Always kept up in my wicked ways.

Get six jolly fellows to carry my coffin
And six pretty maidens to bear up my pall,
And give to each of them bunches of roses,
That they may not smell me as they go along.

Over my coffin put handfuls of lavender,
Handfuls of lavender on every side.
Bunches of roses all over my coffin,
Saying there goes a young man cut down in his prime.

Muffle your drums, play your pipes merrily,
Play the dead march as you go along,
And fire your guns right over my coffin,
There goes an unfortunate lad to his home.

Firth b.34(302), n. d. Printers Series (196). No printer or location listed. Bodleian Library.

References in these threads mention dates such as "mid-19th century," etc. Do any of them have a definite date or range of dates? Agreed, they are all probably 19th century, but I would guess after "mid."
This one is interesting primarily because it has more of the lines used in "Streets of Laredo." Syphilis is changed to a gunshot wound, but otherwise there is similarity.