The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52907   Message #811814
Posted By: GUEST,Bloke in the Corner
26-Oct-02 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: Sloop Session Barton - URGENT
Subject: Sloop Session Barton - URGENT
The Sloop in Barton, North Lincs will be CLOSED Tuesday 29th October, so no session there, I'm afraid. I don't know when it will reopen, but will keep all posted on developments.
I've spoken to the landlord of the Carnival Inn, he's happy to have us there and will provide sandwiches (conspicuously absent from the Sloop the last few weeks) The bar is a bit big and the acoustics aren't as good (The Sloop's very bareness is what makes it sound so good) but I know the pub well and the welcome will be warm.
The Carnival is on Tofts Road in Barton, just take the third road on the right (Tofts Road) when coming down the hill into the town. The Carnival is a big pub on the right.
All further info on this thread as received