The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52917   Message #812009
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Oct-02 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Wanna Chat? (edited thread)
Subject: Wanna Chat? (edited thread)
In this thread, people noted that Mudcatters are starting threads for the purpose of inviting people to chat. This is fine, but it tends to clutter up the Forum with threads that serve only a temporary purpose.
Let's try this: use just this one thread for temporary chat requests. If you want to chat, post a message to this thread and bring it to the top of the Forum Menu. The clones and I will clean it out every day or so.
If it doesn't work, we'll try something else.
-Joe Offer-
This is an edited PermaThread, to be used for temporary chat invitations.
All messages posted in this thread are subject to deletion.

Note: Only Registered Mudcatters Can Use MudChat

If it doesn't work, try a Cookie Reset (login).

If you want to post temporary message inviting people to chat, please post them here instead of starting new threads.
Messages from this thread will be cleaned out periodically.