The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52920   Message #812210
Posted By: toadfrog
27-Oct-02 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
Subject: RE: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
Well, we have conclusive proof of the efficacy of 2d Amendment rights as a bar to Tyranny--Afghanistan, where everybody has a gun and nobody is shy about using them! Individuals with sporting weapons may not be able to overcome the Black Helicopters of the Trilateralist Conspiracy. But a few Well Regulated Militias, under able leaders like Ismail Khan and those other guys (whose names are on the tip of my tounge) armed with tanks, jet fighters and heavy artillery, could bring down those Tyrants whenever they get uppity. Look at Afghanistan! The Taliban just blown away, and without too much foreign assistance! We could have that in America, too. Just think of it! The thrill of owning your own private army! Of walking down the middle of the street, trusty comrades at your side, Uzis and burp-guns at the ready! The thrill of blowing people away if they look at you cross-eyed! The thrill of running those scoundrels out of Washington!

The only problem is, like Afghanistan, that would make it awfully easy for foreigners to step in and take over.