The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52907 Message #812329
Posted By: GUEST,Bloke in the Corner
27-Oct-02 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: Sloop Session Barton - URGENT
Subject: RE: Sloop Session Barton - URGENT
The Carnival's an altogether nicer boozer than the Sloop, EXCEPT for the acoustics - Stella Artois, nicely chilled, at least one guest bitter, and though I personally don't touch the Devil's brew, I understand from the pathetic drunks who inhabit the place that the beer is always in good nick. It is a few coppers more than the Sloop, but the atmosphere is very welcoming. Oakers, stop slagging off the wallop, you invariably spike whatever you're drinking with Brasso anyway, and therefore have no idea if its good, bad or ugly. Skippy, what's this about a special session next Saturday? Come on back to me and let me know what's what!