The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #812426
Posted By: katlaughing
27-Oct-02 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Stephen, it is a good organisation. I started doing op/ed pieces about them several years ago and have spoken to its founders. It really is comprised of thousands of people all over the nation, from all walks of life, all incomes, etc. who first got together, electronically, to send a message to Congress to cease and desist Kenneth Starr inquisition of Clinton. It costs nothing to be a member and all members vote on which issues to work on. Those members then carried on in 3D life, too, taking petitions, etc. right into the congresspeople's offices, meeting with etc. They are still doing this for the other issues.

We've had some other discussions about it, but I don't think they've been indexed for the search, yet. I do know of several prominent Mudcatters who are members and do volunteer lobbying/campaiging as members.