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Thread #52920   Message #812499
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
27-Oct-02 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
Subject: RE: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
I don't collect guns – but gather, take apart, study things far more dangerous – books. Neither guns… nor ideas…are deadly unto themselves. A belief in false knowledge, one built without facts - is truly dangerous.

Today, this company is one of the largest publishers of secondary-level textbooks in the United States.

Hitler, Adolf, Mein Kampf, Translated by Ralph Manheim, Houghton Mifflin-Riverside Press, (eighteenth printing) 1943.

(previous publications in 1923, 1925)

(p 332) "The German people had more than enough arms before. They were not able to secure freedom because the energies of the national instinct of self-preservation, the will for self-preservation, were lacking. The best weapon is dead, worthless material as long as the spirit is lacking which is ready, willing and determined to use it. Germany became defenseless, not because arms were lacking, but because the will was lacking to guard the weapon for national survival."

(p 332)"…the question of regaining German power is not: How shall we manufacture arms? but: How shall we manufacture the spirit which enables a people to bear arms? If this spirit dominates a people, the will finds a thousand ways, every one of which ends in a weapon! But give a coward ten pistols and if attacked he will not be able to fire a single shot. And so for him they are more worthless than a knotted stick for a courageous man."

(p 519) "Every national body can be divided into three great classes: into an extreme of the best humanity on the one hand, good in the sense of possessing all virtues, especially distinguished by courage and self-sacrifice; on the other hand, an extreme of the worst human scum, bad in the sense that all selfish urges and vices are present. Between the two extremes there lies a third class, the great, broad, middle stratum, in which neither brilliant heroes nor the basest criminal mentality is embodied."

(Emphasizes in the book)

p 519-520) "Times when a nation is rising are distinguished, in fact exist only, by the absolute leadership of the extreme best part.

Times of normal, even development or of a stable state of affairs are distinguished and exist by the obvious domination of the elements of the middle, in which the two extremes mutually balance one another, or cancel on another.

Times when a nation is collapsing are determined by the dominant activity of the worst elements.
