The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #813069
Posted By: Bobert
28-Oct-02 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
GUEST is absolutely right, teribus, In the words of John Lennon I "won't listen to minds that hate".

And no, there has never been an "Emergency Middle East Summit" where the US pulls out all the PR stops that's it has pulled out to sell yours and Juniors war.

You folks are the ones who won't listen to new ideas. You folks are the ones that dismiss *possibilities* in the favor of repeating failed policies. You folks are the *students of war* because it is comfortable for you. You folks are the ones who enevitably will be partly responsible for the deaths from the upcoming war because you didn't open your minds long enough to explore any other options.

Well, that blood will not be on my hands, nor will it be on the hands of millions of folks who, like me, see possibilities where you all see only impossibilities.

I'd guarentee in Jesus, or Mohammed, of Jimmy Carter, or Paul Wellstone, or Jimmy Carter, et al, were sitting in the White House we'd be getting a different story.

And I'd guarentee you that if the US had a foriegn policy that was driven by greed, a foriegn policy that was inclusive, a foriegn policy that put peaceful coexhisitence as its priority, that we's have lots of Americnas in Iraq, and Iran, and in Cuba, and in North Korea and every other place that troll and Teribus have on their *hit wish list*.

It comes down to whats most important. Stealing folks resources or payin' for them. Henry Kissinger said it all about stealing when he said something along the lines of "Oil can not be left to the Arabs to control". Well, if one follows that logic, which is based on stealing folks stuff then I guess there is no other way to do it than to blow up some of their folks. Armed robbery! I'd rather trade them food and things that the US can produce that will enhance their lives so that we won't have to worry about the future Osomas, thank you..

