The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52752   Message #813075
Posted By: My guru always said
28-Oct-02 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: PTH @ Durty Nellies 9again)
Subject: RE: PTH @ Durty Nellies 9again)
Poor Leaf - Autumn cometh - hang on tight!

Scandalous news regarding the John B. Certainly a petition is in order to reinstate normal proceedings!

Our poor Barton session would undoubtedly be (well) endowed by an influx of persons from your locality - unfortunately all major roads leading from the Hull area to the South of the Country have been inexplicably road-blocked until after our local pyrotechnics have expired on the due date.

Should any persons arriving by Lear Jet at Luton Airport be allowed through passport control, please make your way directly along the A6, ignoring all roadworks. Our Barton is between Luton & Bedford and a warm, if not explosive, welcome awaits. Delighted.

Always Said or perhaps Might Have Mentioned In Passing....