The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #813108
Posted By: Teribus
28-Oct-02 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT

If any new ideas were forthcoming I would be only too happy to consider them - so far there have been none - heard a great deal of noise about how GWB "stole" the last election, heard a whole load of belly-aching about how bad things are domestically in the US.

What you imagine are ideas, boils down to unrealistic claptrap, airy-fairy notions without foundation, reason or substance - and that you propose to put forward as a solution for solving one of the most complex problems facing the world today.

As I personally do not hate anyone, the relevance of the John Lennon quote escapes me. And Bobert your comment , "If Jesus, or Mohammed, of Jimmy Carter, or Paul Wellstone, or Jimmy Carter (Were there two of them??), et al, were sitting in the White House we'd be getting a different story." - well Bobert - They ain't, nor are they likely to be within the foreseeable future - Al Gore isn't going to be there either - get used to it. The guy in the hot seat at the moment is doing a pretty good job so far.

America "steals" it's oil???? News to me and the rest of the world Bobert - please provide details. As far as I am aware oil is sold by the barrel (price normally expressed in US$) depending on grade and on which market it is sold.

It's your war Bobert ("He's a-goin'to do it!!!, etc, etc.) - Well Bobert - He ain't done anything yet - HAS HE???

As for the impassioned:

"And I'd guarentee you that if the US had a foriegn policy that was (NOT) driven by greed (WONDERFUL), a foriegn policy that was inclusive (THEY NORMALLY ARE, IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO), a foriegn policy that put peaceful coexhisitence as its priority (MASTERFUL - THE WORLD HAS BEEN SAVED FROM THE RAVAGES OF WORLD WAR SINCE 1945), that we'(D) have lots of Americnas in Iraq, and Iran, and in Cuba, and in North Korea and every other place that troll and Teribus have on their *hit wish list*."

Tell me Bobert, what would all these Americnas (?) be doing in all these places?? Why would they be there??? If memory serves me correctly, there used to be Americans in Iran and Cuba, but they were asked to leave. What makes you think that they would be welcomed back with open arms now?

Speaking for myself I do not have a "hit wish list" (Don't think Troll has one either, his posts, and the thoughts contained therein, tend to be based on logic and a sense of reality)