The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52858   Message #813209
Posted By: ET
28-Oct-02 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: PEL - Idea
Subject: RE: PEL - Idea
This is a subject that concerns me and have written many times on this to the Department of Culture. They do their best to convince me that all will be well. The application is for a "standard" licence they say and that the PEL basic part will come as standard but I fear once Local Authorities let rip anything could happen - as does now with applications to them. They show little understanding and no common sense on this. May not be able to make the grand session in Lodnon but have now written to Tony Blair appealing to his former life as a guitarist and asked him to keep a close eye on his culture minister, to make sure that good intentions are brought into reality. Maybe I have wasted a stampt, but one nenver knows and we still live in a democracy, don't we?