The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52934   Message #813390
Posted By: GUEST,Robinpg
28-Oct-02 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: Copyright: Cotton Mill Girls
Subject: RE: Origins: Cotton Mill Girls
here's the version I have:
It's hard times, Cotton Mill Girls,
hard times, Cotton Mill Girls
hard times, Cotton Mill Girls, hard times everywhere

v1) I worked in a cotton mill all of my life, ain't got nothing but this Barlow knife
It's hard times Cotton Mill Girls, It's hard times everywhere

v2) In 1915 we heard it said, move to the country & get ahead
        hard times Cotton Mill Girls, It's hard times everywhere

v3) Us kids worked 14 hours a day for 13 cents of measly pay
        it's hard times Cotton Mill Girls, It's hard times everywhere

v4) When I die don't buy me at allm, just hang me up on the spinning room wall
        pickle my bones in alcohol, it's hard times everywhere.

Hedy West apparently owns the copyright on it although there's also a copyright attributed to another woman. I was shocked, I thought this was a real trad. folk song!
