The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52808   Message #813502
Posted By: Wolfgang
29-Oct-02 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Musical interrupted in Moscow
Subject: RE: BS: Musical interrupted in Moscow
I just pictured for a moment how the discussion would go if that had happened 20 years ago under Breshnew and there were rumours that the rebels/terrorists have been payed (partly) by the CIA. I could easily picture several posters defending the opposite opinion they defend now, but I'm cynical in that respect.

I think that ending the war in Chechnya and leaving that republic to itself is something that ought to happen and nevertheless think Putin was right not to give in here. If any country starts to consider what ought to happen anyway in situations of terrorist blackmail they pave the way for future actions of a similar kind. I picture a parliament deciding whether something terrorists demand 'ought to happen' and then say, 'o.k. we give in' or 'go on kill the hostages for what you want ought not to happen'.

Some among you seem to see the terrorists in a kind of rosy light and seem to think that giving in to the demands would end all danger and hostility and dying. The first end of the Chechen war did nothing of that kind. Young men who have learned nothing but killing look for other jobs then. Last time a large group went over to Dagestan (a neighbouring republic) to fight and kill there. That's what would happen and those who send them money would be glad. And of course, acts like we have seen would be repeated, contrary to what Lepus Rex has posted.

The war in Chechnya is extremely dirty. For instance, 'Pay 500 rubles or you'll get raped' (Russian soldiers being the ones giving this 'choice') happens too often to be considered single incidents. But the Chechen 'freedom fighters' are also of the worst possible kind. Have you forgotten the pictures of the four decapitated heads on poles when the Western companies did decline to pay enough money for the release of their employees?

One Chechen rebel leader said: "The relation of the Muslim to a non-believer is that of the sword to the blood.' At least some of them believe that and act accordingly. I would not like to see people with these opinions anywhere near me.
