The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52757   Message #813835
Posted By: CapriUni
29-Oct-02 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mystery Santa Goofy Hints
Dear Secret Santa: earlier, you asked:

Question is, do you believe in Santa?

Did my answer meet with your satisfaction? I hope so... I'm really not in this game for all the fancy (or unfancy, for that matter) prezzies, but I would like a little something, to keep me company through the long winter ahead... even just a note, or a PM.... So I don't feel quite so much like The Little Prince until the flowers bloom again...

I hope this doesn't make me sound pitiful, but it's been gray, and rainy and cold here for the last couple of days, and will be so for a couple of days more, according to the weather personaliities on the news, and I guess it's just seeping into my pores....