The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #814538
Posted By: Bobert
30-Oct-02 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
First of all, T, I do not have the time in my life to complete your assignemnt of taking each country on your list and writing reams and reams about relationships, difference and resources. Some folks here in the Catbox actually, ahhh, are still *working for a living*. Now, working for a living precludes taking on monumental term paper length responses. When I get retired, or what ever it is that you are that allows your hours and hours to write and write and write, then I'll consider your requests for long winded position papers.

However, you say that "Since 11th September, 2001, I do not believe that any American Administration has looked so long or so hard at the middle east inan attempt to fathom a way through the mess, and get a real peace process underway." Well, can't fault you in your logic since there hasn't been but the Bush adminstartion in power since Sept.11th, 2002. But compared to the hard work that both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton put into the Middle East, the Bush Administration looks like an administration that is, ahhh, how shall I say this, ahhh, *just watching*.

But then again, T, you did say that was your "belief" but I'd guarentee you that in the views of most folks on the planet who have been watching Bush's foriegn policy since he became President, you are in the minority. The Isreali/ Palestinian conflict has been a 8spectator sport* for Bush and the Iraqi/Saddam situation not much more than a smoke screen to cover up the undeniable fact that Bush has been asleep at the wheel on domestic issues.

Now, you believe that Saddam has nuckear capabilites? Hmmmmmmm? Do you really *believe* that? Do you really believe that not only does Saddam have these nuclear weapons but that he has unmanned aircraft capapble of delivering them on America's doorstep? Really, T? I really thought we were beyond the fabrication stage of the discussion and then just when it looks like we're making progress, you go and backslide. Well, maybe you didn't. Maybe I just assumed that you were beyond the Bush's PR noise but if you're not, then my apologies and we'll just have to go back to disagreeing...

