The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53074 Message #815142
Posted By: rock chick
31-Oct-02 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: My husband does not like Folk music !
Subject: RE: BS: My husband does not like Folk music !
R where is the Sun Inn, Beverely, maybe if we are around that way one day I'll tell hime of this great pub that does real ale,(Folk night session) then we can both be happy, if it's that good maybe we should move there?
We are looking to move, both want the sea, as we sail (one hobby we do share an interest in)PLUS a good music scene, so maybe there is hope.
Or maybe I should just go my own way, but after 27years thats hard, I get fed up with being chatted up in the pubs, it's just that i am so friendly with everyone (no comments please) most folkies are, I'm 50 going on 30 or so my kids tell me, and they are really proud of that, so no you never to old.