The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53074 Message #815197
Posted By: rock chick
31-Oct-02 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: My husband does not like Folk music !
Subject: RE: BS: My husband does not like Folk music !
Yes I wear a ring, just flash it when chatted up (thats the ring I mean) people are funny creature though, and a ring means nothing to some men! I go out maybe 4 or 5 nights out of seven, that's a lot without your other half, he might not mind, stays in either watching TV or i drop him at his pub but i would like him to come with me a couple of times, i have tried going to his pub quizzes( totally boaring to me)but he loves them so i went and sort of enjoyed them simply by seeing him enjoy himself, but he can't do the same for me!!!!!