The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53074   Message #815457
Posted By: Guy Wolff
31-Oct-02 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: My husband does not like Folk music !
Subject: RE: BS: My husband does not like Folk music !
THis is an interesting one for me, Like Rick I would say Erica is not very interested in what I would call my music but happyly she is glad for me that I have a love of this kind that fills my life.. She is studing Viola de Gamba and is playing early music in our house all the time.. It is a kind of music of the people but just very old people.. I love the stuff..

I did used to try and play her music I had just worked up in the studio for my cd's but came to see she realy isnt into any of it.. We have so much else in our life.. THe kids and their struggles and humor and our big pictures are very related so I think missing on one cylander is OK..
.It sounds like you have to talk to him though.. WHen one starts saying things like "I wont be around long " its time to TALK TALK TALK. Its so much work to let the clossets one to us know where we are.. We expect that they already know and that has been the cause of my closets calls... Great Luck to you in this hardest of work .. All the best , GUY   !!!!!
