The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53090   Message #815683
Posted By: catspaw49
31-Oct-02 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: halloween
Subject: RE: halloween
My boys are now in a candy induced stupor, but once again, Halloween has been a big hit here in Bremen. It's a real throwback kind of place like a town in the 50's. We have a only a dozen streets or so, most of them still brick. The homes sit pretty closely together and the town only runs 5 blocks in either direction. And this year, like every other since we came here 14 years ago, we had about 400 kids come by. Yeah......400. Most are accompanied by parents and almost all say thank you.

Tonight, Karen took the boys out and had Sissy (female Weimaraner) along with her.   Sis loved it as much as the boys as she got lots of attention from the kids and adults as well. Jaeger (male Weim) stayed on the front porch with me and sat beside me as I gave out candy. He too enjoyed all the attention. When the kids returned they pigged out for awhile and then passed out on the den floor, wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by wrappers.

It will clean up tomorrow, they had fun tonight. And the folks in town will take down their Halloween decorations and get out the Thanksgivibg things.....which will be replaced with Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. We take our holidays seriously here......and it reminds me of my own childhood of 45-50 years ago, a time that in so many ways is lost. Living here brings a bit of it back, so I can endure the conservative attitudes and other aggravations for that small taste of what once was. I hope my sons can find the same when they are my age.
