The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53090 Message #815708
Posted By: open mike
01-Nov-02 - 02:07 AM
Thread Name: halloween
Subject: RE: halloween
yikes-i was looking for flowers to celebrate Dia de los Muertos.. Day of the Dead, where as in mexico, people remember their loved ones who have passed on-it sounds like a combination of memorial day (visiting and decorating graves) thanksgiving, because there is a feasting, and birthday celebration, as one usually fixes their long-gone person's favorite foods and recalls favorite memories from their life. any way i was looking for chrysanthemums in fall colors as the web sites say that marigolds and mums are traditional decor... I'll be darned if the stores weren't already getting out the red and green!! too early!! now they will bombard us with x-mas carols til we no longer appreciate them cuz we ll be sick and tired of the muzak ones well before the real ones come around....yuck....i want to love the music!!