The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53109   Message #815842
Posted By: Leadfingers
01-Nov-02 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: John o' Dreams (parodies by Les Barker)
Subject: ADD: Custard Creams (Les Barker)
Herewith for your delectation and delight two of Les Barkers little

(Les Barker, music by Tchaikovsky)

Those midnight snacks bring what you always dread;
Crumbs in your blanket and your feather bed;
Crumbs without number
Keep you from slumber;
Yield up the night time to old custard creams.
Yield up the night time to old custard creams.

The late night sandwhich and the giger nut
Stick in your shoulder;lie underfoot,
Huntley and Palmer
There is no armour
Yield up the darkness to old custard creams
Yield up the darkness to old custard creams

Barm cakes and biscuits;whole loaves of bread
Mate on your mattress;breed in your bed
One million croutons
All on one futon
And down your duvet there's old custard creams
And down your duvet there's old custard creams

I think I know now why my mother said
That gentlemen dont take tarts to bed
And when you're restive
Blame the digestive
You'll find no comfort with old custard creams
You'll find no comfort with old custard creams

Dont forget to credit Les Barker for the words and P I Tchaik for the tune