The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53109   Message #815856
Posted By: Leadfingers
01-Nov-02 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: John o' Dreams (parodies by Les Barker)
Subject: ADD Ron of Dreams (Les Barker)
I dont know wether it is better to combine the two or not.I thought if they were seperate and someone only wanted one set of lyrics it would be easier this way.

(Les Barker)

When midnight comes good people homewards tread
They dont see me they all see John instead
I'm just the other less famous brother
Turn out your light i'm only Ron of Dreams
Turn out your light I'm only Ron of Dreams

Across the hills the sun has gone astray
The world's ignored me just like Yesterday
He's got charisma,He's John I isna
Here in the darkness you'll find Ron of Dreams
Here in the darkness you'll find Ron of Dreams

Both man and master in the night are one
All things are equal except maybe Ron
The prince and the ploughman,the slave and the free man
All take no notice of old Ron of Dreams
All take no notice of old Ron of Dreams

My brother John is all they ever see
That bastard Caddick never noticed me
Him and Tchaikovsky,they wrote me offski
They said,I quote:"Man who's old Ron of Dreams?"
They said I quote:"Man who's old Ron of Dreams?"

This is from 'Vicent Van Dogh'