The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53062   Message #816034
Posted By: Jeri
01-Nov-02 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Prediction
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
Oh, there will still be a war if Bush can pull it off. He needs to fuel the fires that provide an excuse to beef up the US Gestapo and get rid of more of those rights we still have. He needs to get re-elected and if the international issues quiet down people will look a bit at domestic issues such as the economy.

Our race for Congress has got to be the weirdest I've ever seen.
I've received a page - in color and on heavy paper - from the Republicans every day for a couple of weeks. The name on the papers, and the pictures, are of Martha Fuller Clark, the DEMOCRATIC candidate. Several of them gave the phone number. They said to call and thank her for advocating a state income tax. I called the number. I told the person who answered "The Republicans said I should call & thank MFC for advocating a state income tax, so please pass on my thanks. I can't think of a more logical thing to base a tax on than income."

Yesterday, the ad said something about Martha Fuller Clark not wanting to increase funding for the military our ability to wage war. There were a couple of hippie types on the back with the guy flashing the peace sign. Me: "Oh gosh, I didn't know she was against more military spending, and I used to look like those people! Well, here's another reason to vote for her!"

I get phone calls too. Some are recordings, some are real people. I've thanked a couple of them for making me aware of MFC and giving me the phone number. I actually enjoy talking to them.

If it weren't for the daily mailings and the daily phone calls (where do they get so much money?!) I probably wouldn't care so much about voting for Martha Fuller Clark.

I don't have a clue what the Republican candidate has said he/she stands for and I can't even recall his/her name. Talking about shooting yourself in the foot...