The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53062   Message #816214
Posted By: John Hardly
01-Nov-02 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Prediction
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction

The Democrats will win a bigger than expected majority in the Senate. They will pick up three seats and due to a pre-election insurance deal, they will pick up a fourth by the party switch of Chafee.

Also due to the lowest Republican turn-out (voter) in Midwest history, In a surprise the House will also become Democrat majority.

They will investigate the possibility of an impeachment of Bush, but will not have a big enough majority in the house to actually pull it off -- besides, with only two years left and a snowball's chance in hell of reelection, the idea is voted down behind closed doors.

The White House will change hands in 2004(5) with Kerry winning a significant majority over a deflated Bush campaign. For insurance, there will be a reportedly viable third party candidate -- Independent (probably McCain) to split the vote in such a way as to ensure no possibility of a Republican win (if we learned NOTHING else from Perot).

In Kerry's second term the Democrat controlled government will call for a Constitutional Convention. It will first be "billed" as a convention to merely "modernize the language" of an archaic constitution, but once it is polled that a majority of Americans see the reason for this language update and clarification, the actual proposed changes will make a Constitution that is virtually unrecognizable.

There will be a terrorist attack during Kerry's first term that will make 9/11 seem insigificant by comparison. Kerry will ride the popularity of his response to both 1. his second term, and 2. the enactment of many of the Ashcroft/Bush type reforms that, under a Republican raised the hair on the back of people's necks, but under a guy they think they can trust will seem resonable.

Included in these reforms will be military guards at borders -- once the Democrat majority is ensured it majority in perpetuity it will no longer be necessary to divide a now shrinking pie (as the economy crumbles under a lack of new tech development or need in Kerry's second term) to too many mouths to feed.

A major media reform will take place wherein, in the name of fairness and quality, journalism liscensing will become law. It will at first be seen skeptically until, within a week of a vote taken on the issue, a right-wing radio host causes a major scandal by mis-reporting an event. Then a mass-murderer will be found to have connections to yet another right-wing media personality.

And maybe I'll write a hit record too.