The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53027   Message #816547
Posted By: raredance
01-Nov-02 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Wellstone Memorial
Subject: RE: Wellstone Memorial
I watched the memorial celebration. The smattering of boos for Trent Lott came when people were still filing into their seats. The camera people zoomed in on Lott and suddenly his face was on the giant TV screens for the whole audience to see. When the bit of booing became noticeable, Lott actually cracked a bit of a smile for the camera. Given that he is a politician, he was likely pleased by the fact that he was recognized in Minnesota. The administration's emmissary Thommy Thompson ws barely noticed and he used to governor of neighboring Wisconsin. Here is another bit of compare and contrast information.

Rush Limbaugh Cheers Man Who Led The Jeers
Blame Object Of Booing For Arrogance, Disdain
Standing Up For Good Manners And Family Values

Some of the people in the huge arena, packed with 20,000 mourners, were angry when they caught a glimpse of the Senator.

Disgust overcame them. They booed lustily, some of them shouting, "We don't want you here," and some shouting epithets.

And for the next few days, the GOP and right-wing pundits had a field day -- supporting the booers, saying that they spoke the truth, and that the Senator deserved all that was dished out and more.

Rush Limbaugh led the right-wing boo fest by having the man who led the booing on his program as Dittohead Hero Of The Day.

Newsmax, Matt Drudge Neal Boortz, Kathleen Parker, and GOP radio talk show hosts nationwide cheered on the booers, and attacked the Senator they booed.

What's wrong with this picture? Well nothing -- because the Senator being booed wasn't Trent Lott -- it was Hillary Clinton, about a year ago, at Madison Square Garden. at a huge concert honoring the heroic policemen and firefighters who gave their lives on September 11, 2001.

It seems that some of those in the audience thought that this upbeat yet solemn occasion should -- gasp! -- be an occasion for politics.

Hear! hear! said Rush and his clones, who booed right along with them.

So you see, folks, it's not the boos that matter to these right-wing thugs. It's who's getting booed. If it's Trent Lott being booed, it's a travesty. If it's Hillary Clinton being booed, it's an act of patriotism.

These people have no shame, no principles, no morals. They just want power. And will say anything, do anything to get it.


Senator Clinton knew the event was more important than her and she ignored the intense booing that got replayed numerous times on TV and radio.

rich r