The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53155   Message #816677
Posted By: greg stephens
02-Nov-02 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: Wasp Fanciers' Forum
Subject: Wasp Fanciers' Forum
Not having had access to computers and not being terribly interested, I recently discovered Mudcat purely because I was interested in folk music. Realising what an interesting place it is I stayed. But the inevitable question arises, is the internet full of mirror images of Mudcat devoted to other nerdy interests, and do they discuss the same sort of things. For example, if I were to seek out a group devoted to collecting teapot stands, would they also be arguing about Celts, Moscow Theatres, whether teachers should say "you" or "yous", and asking where to buy woodburning stoves?
    Does anybody have any relevant knowledge?