The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53147   Message #816797
Posted By: katlaughing
02-Nov-02 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
Chancedarlin', sorry I am come so late to your thread. We've got a candle lit for a couple of other folks, will add you to the list and am giving thanks, right now, for the best possible outcome and sending lots of positive healing thoughts your way. Listen to the Cap't. ...he knows what he's talking about when he says Positive energy heals and we do have lots of that here at the Mudcat!:-)

Like Peg, I had pre-cancerous problems many years ago and have been fine, despite the fact that my mother actually had cancer. She went on to survive with no return of it, for almost 30 years, with the only the treatments which were available in the early 70's. I also had an aunt who lived to be over 90 and was a "C" survivor.

BUT, we will *see* you healthy and well with no need for any of that. May it be so!
