The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53143   Message #817020
Posted By: GUEST,Q
02-Nov-02 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: AluMINium or ALUminum -more fun!
Subject: RE: BS: AluMINium or ALUminum -more fun!
Pasta. The OED gives pae-sta which is pronounced pass-ta. They didn't add the word until the 1987 Supplement.
Webster's Collegiate gives Pah-sta but also lists pass-ta.
Southerners in the States tend to pass-ta.
Many good Italian restaurants in my city, so I go with Pah-sta.
More creepy thread-
Here is a description from the OED, 1673, by a man named Ray: "Paste made into strings like pack-thread or thongs of whit-leather (which if greater they call Macaroni, if lesser Vermicelli) which they cut in pieces and put in their pots, as we do oat-meal to make their minestra or broth...." He was writing about a trip to the Low Countries, so one can imagine what the Dutch were doing with the stuff.