The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53027   Message #817033
Posted By: John Hardly
02-Nov-02 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Wellstone Memorial
Subject: RE: Wellstone Memorial
naw....not at all. I'm no centrist. I'm no Republican. I can't really think of anyone I've recently "Demonized" ....oh, except for folks who develop their political world view by defining the opposition for them. I don't care for that much.

I'm a military isolationist -- I know, no such label -- I believe in a strong enough military for our defense. I don't believe in international interference. (I don't believe Einstein was "Einsteinian" when he opined that you couldn't simultaneously prepare for war and....well you know how the bumper sticker goes. He was a mathemetician ferchrisakes). Neither party offers me this option but that doesn't make me a centrist, and certainly not partisan.

I believe in a National sales tax instead of an income tax. Neither party offers me that option. That doesn't make me a centrist and certainly not partisan.

I'm pro-life but I want Congress and a President to vote it up or down -- not have choice hanging by the thread of a questionable Supreme Court decision. I think that if a bill was proposed, debated, and voted on, the pro-life movement would have their legs cut entirely out from underneath them (legally and politically). There is no way Congress would vote for an abortion ban. As it stands the pro-life side holds the high ground arguement. Neither party offers me this option but that doesn't make me a centrist, and certainly not partisan.

I don't think that Social Security should be included in the regular budget. I think money collected for SS should be used for SS alone. I'm tired of this issue being used for political gain every two years at election time -- and SS doesn't have to be hanging so precariously. Neither party offers me this option but that doesn't make me a centrist and certainly not partisan.

The majority of those I know (hell, the majority of Americans) don't see these issues (and others) my way. I love them, play music with them, play basketball with them, argue with them over a few drinks, and they think I'm as looney as I may think a few of them -- and there's not a "demon" in the bunch. Of course, most of them I know by name, or by a forum name, and that sort of helps to raise the level of civility in our disagreements.

I don't stand for nothing, though lots of what I'd like to see happen are pipe dreams -- so I stand for personal integrity, the golden rule, caring for those around me and praying that others choose to live the same way -- I do the things within my control -- not many of them political.

I tolerate LOTS! I believe many behaviors are objectively evil but I live peaceably with those I disagree with and leave moral judgements between folks and their creator -- unless they cross legal lines -- then, sometimes as a good citizen it is my duty to speak up.

I'm not sure my world view is any more limited than most folks is....I mean, even yours would appear to be limited to what mine is not *grin*.

....but thanks for caring.