The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53192   Message #817238
Posted By: Coyote Breath
02-Nov-02 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
Subject: RE: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
Gargoyle has the right take on it. Don't be who you are! I love it! The best thing would be to be someone, ya know a "somebody". Once My SO and I were mistaken for Sam Elliot and Kathryn Ross! Well it was a smoky room and the gal was rather ripped, still we played with the mis-identification for the rest of the evening.

Of course there are some people you shouldn't be under any circumstances. Right now people keep saying "Are you supposed to be Buffalo Bill?" I usually say, "Yeah, I'm SUPPOSED to be but the plastic surgeon screwed up" or some other such smarta--ed remark.

The credit companies keep harping on identity theft, hell, THEY'RE the ones stealing indentities! Of course I could qualify as a small town on my own. All the junk mail I get rarely gets my name right, and BOY do they come up with some doozies! I could claim to be ALL those misspellings, incorporate, get federal funding.

And of course the telemarketers, NEVER pronounce my name correctly. Well one did, once, and I told her that she was the first person to do so in decades and because of that I would talk to her, civilly, yet! She was trying to get me interested in siding! Oddly enough I plan to have siding put on my house next April and I told her to call me back then! I wonder if she will.

We don't have those cards here yet. I think that they have 'em out West as a Safeway I stopped at in Spearfish, South Dakota had me fill out a "discount" card. I saved about $1.75.