The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53192   Message #817252
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Nov-02 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
Subject: RE: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
I just posted about this and about a similar experience at Radio Shack, in another thread, but I can't find it right now.

We got one from Safeway a number of years ago, so the phone number, etc. are out of date and I intend to keep it that way. They don't send us coupons, they just tout that you can use the cards, like coupons, and get their exclusive savings, which does add up, but I am sure they inflate the prices first. Getting Rog to shop without one is tough, as he's got a Yankee penchant for saving money.:-)

Now, even pizza delivery wants a phone number, 1) so they can verify the order if it's a prank call, 2)so they can track oyu in the database and have all of your info for delivery, etc.

We did everything by cash for over 20 years. I went into a bank one time to pay our phone bill and my cash was refused! I told the bank manager off, then called the phone company and raised cain with them, too. They told me in a few years no one would be using cash, that we'd all have ATM cards that would work like cash, i.e. debit cards, but they didn't call them that, yet, as they didn't have them. I told him it'd be a cold day in hell before we'd not have acceptable cash in this country! Oh, I was livid. It seems the phone company had made up a new policy and the bank, as their pay agent, was bound to carry it out. I told everyone I knew and by the next month they accepted cash payments.

I have found buying a house brings unlimited junk mail; unfortunately all of it with correct addy and names. Anyone have the info on how to get that stopped? I can go look it up, but if someone has it handy or call tell me, I'd really appreciate it.

We need a catchy slogan like the Cartalk guys when they ran their campaign to get people to hang up their cell phones and drive. Store clerks don't know how to react to someone who refuses to give them any info!
