The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53192   Message #817583
Posted By: KingBrilliant
03-Nov-02 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
Subject: RE: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
There is a local festival where they demand that you fill in a form with your name and address, then put it in the windscreen of your car on the campsite. Does anyone actually put their own address I wonder? I always use a false address - because I really don't want to advertise to all and sundry the empty address that I am away from over the weekend.......
Back to cards & such.... last christmas I took my mum to the local Tesco superstore to do the big food shop. My mum was expecting to pay by cheque - but found that they would not accept a cheque because the card only guaranteed up to £50 (not a lot!!!). They insisted that she should use the card as a debit card, as it is also a "switch" card. She didn't want to do so, as she is in the habit of paying by cheque and keeping her balance on the stubs. They treated her as a completely thick old lady and patronised her nearly to death. She stood her ground, saying "I'm sorry, but I just don't use the card that way". In the end we took pity on the rest of the queue, and I paid on my switch card & she paid me by cheque.
I know that the debit cards are increasingly the norm - but mum had a particular reason for not wanting to use it, and was made to feel very small for refusing. I was rather proud of her.
Mind you - we did laugh about it afterward.
