The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53147   Message #817863
Posted By: mmb
03-Nov-02 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
How fortunate we are NOT to be living "in decades past" when cultural constraints would have prevented the sharing of fears - and triumphs - that we see in this thread!

In my short time on board the Mudcat Community I have seen the sharing of musical knowledge, memories, calendar items and jokes; I have seen the effort to help the Patons after the theft from their cash box; and I have even strained my eyes through a passionate 24+ hour disputation of grammar and sytax. And now in this thread I have seen a level of trust that permits a member to share real fear, and be surrounded with the empathy of others who've known the same fear and awaited the same test results, as well as the encouragement of those of us who hope we are never in the same situation.

Maybe not the cultured society of the past, but a culture we are fortunate to share today. M.