The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53192   Message #817886
Posted By: Coyote Breath
04-Nov-02 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
Subject: RE: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
Well here is something ELSE to worry about. Here in the St. Louis "area" they have been talking about a small "chip" that can be implanted in your CHILD and could be used to LOCATE that child should he or she become LOST. Of course it could also be used to locate that GROWN UP CHILD later when telecrappers, the Social Security Administration, the FBI the CIA, Homeland Security or any number of other agencies and folks wnat to find you. The chilling thing here is the CHILD would have no say in this. The parents, scared silly by the seemingly growing rate of child stealings, would do this to keep their child safe. It could be removed later, of course. 18 year olds would have a new rite of passage to look forward to along with registering for the draft, being able to vote and being allowed to buy beer (in some states). "Hey dude, wanna come to my "taking out" party"? After a while some bright bulb would figure out a way to keep the device from being removed, making it alert the "authorities" should it be done any way. Brave New World anyone? Did you think Huxley, Herbert, and Orwell were just toying with interesting plot lines? Paranoid? It ain't paranoia when they are really after ya.