The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53147   Message #817901
Posted By: Genie
04-Nov-02 - 12:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
Subject: RE: BS: Biopsy of a spot on my tongue, HELP!
Fortunato, 13 years ago I had a mole removed from my calf and biopsied. It turned out to be a #2 malignant melanoma, which could have metastisized to the bones if left to its own devices. But it appears they got the li'l bugger in time, since I've had no recurrences since.

I tell you this to underscore the fact that, even if you do have "the big C," it's not necessarily a death sentence. Often they can remove a small cancer in its entirety before it spreads.

I really hope that your biopsy turns out negative.   Even if it does not, we'll all be praying for it to be treated in time. Easier said than done, of course, but please don't be unnecessarily alarmed. Let us all hope for, and visualize, the best outcome for you.
