The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53192   Message #818021
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Nov-02 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
Subject: RE: BS: Offensive grocery ID cards - privacy
My mother used to shop at what may be the same Safeway where Deckman shops. Many years ago Safeway was using printed paper grocery bags to promote some legislation that Mom opposed, so when she reached the clerk, she said "I won't use that grocery bag. Please find a plain one for me." It took about 10 minutes for the bag boy to return with the plain bags from the bowels of the building, but astonishingly the entire line stayed put. They packed Mom's groceries, and as she was leaving, she heard the guy behind her in line say "I don't want that bag either." In the next day or two they were back to plain bags.

MMario, I also regularly instruct bag people on how to properly load the sacks. They're so used to popping a single item into the thin plastic (that is liable to shred and drop it's contents) that they don't know how to plan ahead to pack paper bags properly. When they try the "one item per sack" routine it amounts to a heckuva lot of paper.

All of the big grocery stores down here in Texas have the cards, and have had for a while. I complained bitterly at first, but have since changed strategies. I still restrict my shopping at each store to things I know are actually cheapest. To skew the statistics, I regularly offer my card to the person behind me if they come through without one. The more bizarre their purchases, the better.
I regularly request paper bags instead of plastic, and when I remember, take along the cloth bags instead.

My aunt and cousins in Canada have some kind of purchase card that they present at member businesses. When I was in Calgary a few years ago I went to a sale at The Bay to pick up a couple of Hudson's Bay blankets for my children. My aunt presented her card with my purchase--it didn't affect my cost, but she has managed to parley this into air miles and flown quite a bit with it. Don't know what the program is, but it seems to work for her. The Canadian dollar certainly worked for me!

Finally, here are some approaches to junkmail that is generated by these databases. You'll find more (also phone lists and email lists) at Do-it-yourself: Stop junk mail, email and phone calls.