The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53259   Message #818355
Posted By: Glen Reid
04-Nov-02 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
Subject: Road Musicians, just paying thier dues!
At first I thought I would title this
"woes of the one man band" because some of the most memorable moments in my career have been as a travelling single performer.But I think its only fair to include all musicians who have been "payin' thier dues" etc.

We all have had similar experiences, like showing up at a gig to find no sound system, even though you had been gauranteed there would be one. Or you are expected to do a full night of dance music with just you and your guitar. etc. etc. etc.

How about some of the more grittier experiences like when you go to you room to settle in for a one week gig, and your first experienc is a sticky door handle. Or even worse, the beds not made up and when you shrug and try to staighten it up, you discover the sheets are stuck together.
Or its so bloody cold, the plumbings all froze up.

But you dare not complain because you need the money and further more , its in the middle of a string of six or eight similar gigs and you are in the wilds of Northern Ontario and no alternatives in sight.
Or the time a fight brakes out and a flying beer bottle hits your mic. and explodes in your face, causing permanently scarring .
A normal person would have at least ducked, but somehow we live under
a misguilded notion the "the show must go on" come hell or high water.
I even had a friend of mine ,who mutilated himself with a sharp object, in an desparate attempt to get out of having to continue a similar nightmare.
Now I'm sure some of you out there, have even worse tales to come on road warriers, share some of those,DUES PAYING EXPERIENCES.

Cheers, Glen